Choo choo!
You love your new Choo Choo train. This was originally inspired by your eye doctor’s play room in the lobby.
You love your new Choo Choo train. This was originally inspired by your eye doctor’s play room in the lobby.
Tonight we got you all dressed up in last year’s Halloween outfit…your Cinderella dress, and headed out to see the new Cinderella movie. You really liked wearing the dress and everyone in the movie theater smiled as you walked past…
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Today you got your glasses. We went to see an eye doctor a couple of weeks ago about your left eye turning in (lazy eye) and he suggested glasses to help correct the issue. We ordered your glasses then, and…
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Today we went to the Hawaiian Festival in Tempe! It was SUPER packed with people, it was like a concert. But we all got dressed up in our Hawaiin attire and had a fun time, followed by Venezia’s Pizza!!!!
Today you, Mommy, and Daddy decided to go on a hike. This is the first time Daddy has ever done such a thing. Mommy scouted out hike trails and found one just across the street from the Phoenix Zoo…and it…
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You LOVE watching Evan Tube which is a bit on YouTube who builds and reviews Lego sets. Mommy and I think he’s your latest crush.
For a couple of months now, since Blaze and the Monster Machines started airing, you have given us all names, including yourself. Daddy is Crusher, Momma is Blaze, and you are Pickle. We think you names us by size since…
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Today Daddy surprised you and Mommy by getting some cake mix from Fresh & Easy. We used our cupcake tin to make the cupcakes and instead of buying the little cupcake holders, Daddy fashioned his own from foil. They were…
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